

Our Sustainability

CyberAgent recognizes that our employees are one of our most valuable competitive advantages. We have established an unconventional corporate culture by implementing a variety of innovative internal measures designed to make the most of our human resources. As a company whose business is heavily focused on the internet, we understand the importance of information security and strive to reduce security risks through a wide range of measures. Going forward, we grow our business by providing reliable and secure services that our users can trust. We also take climate change, with its increasing severity, as one of our most important management issues, and are committed to reducing our environmental impact and improving business efficiency to contribute to a sustainable society.

Job Satisfaction and Healthy Workplace

We value "freedom and self-responsibility," and believe that an organization with self-driven talent is its core competitiveness. Therefore we have been working on various measures to help our employees freely demonstrate their creativity, ideas, and potential to the fullest extent possible. At the same time, our belief that challenge and security go hand in hand has led us to create human resources systems and benefits that provide a sense of security in our employees' careers and work environments.

Balancing Job Satisfaction and Healthy Workplace

▎Employee ratio in FY2024

Among our employees, 23% are engineers, of which more than 90% are men, resulting in a high ratio of men to women in the company, a total of 66%. In response to the significant gender gap facing the tech industry, our engineerings division launched the "Tech DE&I Project*1" in 2023. Through this project, we are implementing various initiatives to address the gender gap in both the IT industry as a top priority. Meanwhile, as we are seeing progress in promoting women to management positions, we expect to see a gradual improvement in the gender ratio of management positions.

▎Gender Ratio in FY2024

We started incorporating "Remo Day," which allows employees to work remotely on certain days of the week, adopting a hybrid work pattern that combines the benefits of both coming to the office and working at home. This balanced work approach has positively impacted relationship building. In GEPPO, a monthly survey system that uses weather terms to monitor the workplace climate, 83%*2 of employees answered "sunny" to the question, "Do you have a good relationship with your boss and others in the workplace?"

We are also strengthening teamwork and cross-departmental collaboration through various motivational measures, including awards for teams and individuals who play an active role, a system for subsidizing the costs of social events, and cross-company projects. We believe that this has not only improved communication quality but also helped to foster good relationships and a comfortable work environment. The data related to the healthy workplace are as follows (on a non-consolidated basis, as of September 30, 2024).

▎Retention rate of
new graduates hired after 3 years

▎Turnover Rate

▎Return-to-work rate after
parental leave

▎Remote work system
utilization rate

* 1 Tech DE&I Project: Project aimed at bridging the gender gap in the IT industry. * 2 GEPPO feedback as of April 2024. * 3 Information and communications industry: MHLW, "Job Turnover Among Recent Graduates in the Workforce" * 4 Information and communications industry: MHLW, "Summary Report of Survey on Employment Trends"

87% of Employees Responded That Their Work Is "Meaningful and Rewarding"

CyberAgent has implemented a variety of human resource policies to foster employee performance, as evidenced by a survey of CyberAgent employees in which a very high percentage, 87%*1, reported that their work is fulfilling, and by the company placing third in a ranking of "Companies where employees enjoy working."*2 One such initiative is the "Career Agent" system, which uses an internal headhunter to put the right person in the right job. We strive to provide appropriate positions and opportunities through our internal transfer listing system, as well as a condition assessment tool that helps identify each employee's career struggles and concerns.

Over the years, we have focused on fostering the growth of young employees by giving them broad autonomy. For the initial placement of new graduate hires, we respect their preferences based on our belief that this leads to better performance. To help them get off to a good start, we focus on onboarding after assignment, striving to put the right person in the right job, and promoting talent development. As a result, we were ranked first among companies with the best scores in "Growth Environment for People in Their 20s"*3.

▎Highest scoring companies in the category "Growth Environment for People in Their 20s"

This year, we launched a conference which is also aimed at identifying and promoting exceptional young employees and helping them to develop their careers. At this conference, managers from each division present the strengths and personalities of their selected employees to the management team and managers of other divisions, and they discuss that employee's future development plan. In some cases, immediate promotions are made, while in others, plans are developed for candidates to gain various experiences over coming years. We are careful to ensure that no outstanding young talent is overlooked, allowing them to continue their growth.

In our engineering teams, we highly value ownership culture and believe that providing engineers with opportunities and autonomy is the most important core. The ability to identify problems and adapt flexibly to changes is essential, all of which contribute to high-quality product development and performance. Through initiatives such as the CA BASE SUMMIT, an engineers' version of the Meeting for Tomorrow*4, which enables them to identify and take responsibility for engineering management issues, we have introduced mechanisms to create a virtuous cycle of opportunity and evaluation, including a revamped evaluation system.

In February 2024, CyberAgent held an internal conference called "M-power" aimed at supporting the growth of managers, with approximately 300 participants. Executives and senior staff served as lecturers, sharing insights from successful managers and leading workshops to improve management skills. President Fujita shared his own message, saying, "What makes people truly interested and motivated in their work is when they implement the ideas that they themselves have conceived and decided to tackle. The key to managing an organization is figuring out how to motivate people and respecting their choices."

Photo from the M-power panel discussion

With the same mindset, we are creating systems that generate job satisfaction through a variety of HR initiatives tailored to different job types and levels. To achieve lasting growth in today's rapidly changing internet industry, we will strive to bring out the best in our employees and create an environment where they can thrive over the long term.

*1 Percentage of employees who responded that their work is "meaningful and rewarding" in an FY2024 stress check. *2 Companies where employees enjoy working: Published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun on July 16, 2024. *3 Highest scoring companies in the category "Growth Environment for People in Their 20s": as rated by Gen Z employees (survey conducted by OpenWork). *4 Meeting for Tomorrow: Management meeting to propose new businesses and ways to solve issues that will lead to the future of CyberAgent.