Corporate Governance Overview
At CyberAgent, we regard strict corporate governance as a key issue for business expansion and are committed to conducting business in compliance with laws, social norms, and ethical standards. We also respect the position of our stakeholders and aim to fulfill our corporate social responsibility. To achieve this, we have established the "CyberAgent Mission Statement," a code of conduct for our officers and employees that goes beyond mere legal compliance and focuses on building corporate ethics to ensure a high level of moral standards. To date, CyberAgent has continued to update its management structure by utilizing unique systems that align with our growth phases and business strategies. In December 2020, CyberAgent transitioned to a new executive officer structure with a clear separation between supervision and execution, and to further enhance supervisory functions of the Board of Directors, the structure ensures that half of the board members are from outside the company to further ensure management transparency. In today's rapidly changing internet industry, we will continue to create social value through our businesses while working to increase our corporate value through a variety of initiatives that include evolving our corporate governance to reflect environmental and current trends, strengthening our internal control system, and responding to potential risks and opportunities in a timely manner.
Corporate Governance
Risk Management
Ethical Business